BnR Tackle

Social Media Manager

I was hired with a short term contract with BnR Tackle, aiming to spruce up their social media game. The plan? Clean up the existing pages and dive into the TikTok and LinkedIn scene. Teaming up with my buddy Andrew Krantz, the content creator, we kicked off a mission to add some personality to BnR Tackle's online presence. It's not just about pages; it's about telling their story in a fresh way.

Objective One:

Social Media Refresh

Let's break down the social media refresh for BnR Tackle on each platform:

Instagram: The grid needed a facelift, so I started by crafting a concise and inviting bio. Working alongside my buddy Andrew, we added some. highlight covers, giving the page a fresh and exciting vibe.

Facebook: With the highest following, Facebook needed a bio update to align with Instagram. A few tweaks like adding backend meta tags for SEO helped, maintaining the overall good feel of the page.

YouTube: While BnR’s YouTube channel had a strong presence, the page needed a makeover. Updating the bio, profile picture, banner, and social links, along with some backend tags, injected a new life into the channel.

LinkedIn: Starting from scratch, I built the BnR Tackle LinkedIn, borrowing bios and images from other platforms for consistency.

TikTok: Creating the TikTok account from the ground up, I utilized info and branding from other platforms to kickstart the content and identity.

Objective Two:  Create Cadence

BnR Tackle handed me the mission of setting a rhythm across their platforms, aiming for a consistent daily presence on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn – a strategic move to signal algorithmic growth efforts. The goal was simple: one post a day on the former trio and a minimum of two posts per week on TikTok and YouTube. The approach has already shown promising results, with a noticeable uptick in new followers and heightened engagement across the board.

Overall Growth

With the 5 social channels we started with 11,298 followers in total. By the end of the 5 month contract I was able to grow the overall following by 3,575 followers, resulting in 14,873 total followers.


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